Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Week 3 weigh in (my week 17)

Current Weight: 78.3kg
Last week:      79.4kg
Week's loss:         -1.1kg 
So far:         -18.7kg   

It's getting harder and harder to shift these stubborn kilos.  If you play along at home (all 3 of you who read this at least), you'll remember that last week I was majorly pissed at only donating 500 measly grams to the un-fat cause, so made a commitment to burn 800 cals a day from 2 hours of exercise.

Shit I worked hard last week;
Wednesday                Treadmill & Sh'bam = 65 mins, 463 cals
                                      Powerwalk = 61 mins, 396 cals
Thursday                   Lake walk = 50 mins, 376 cals
                                      Morning walk = 45 mnins, 320 cals
                                      Evening walk = 25 mins, 137 cals
Friday                        Sh'bam = 47 mins, 413 cals
                                      Core class= 30 mins, 100 cals
                                      Boxing = 61 mins, 409 cals
Saturday                   Dance party @ gym = 121 mins, 887 cals
Sunday                        REST!
Monday                       Lake walk = 40 mins, 314 cals
                                       Evening walk = 25 mins, 213 cals
                                       Exercise bike = 22 mins, 201 cals
                                       Free weights & strength - upper body = 26 mins, 242 cals
Tuesday                      Step class = 61 mins, 549 cals
                                       Walk (in pouring rain) = 40 mins, 261 cals
                                       Exercise bike = 31 mins, 283 cals

And for ALL of that I'm rewarded with 1.1 shitty kilos?  Come the f$%& on!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. There's nothing wrong with that loss Raelene, you are starting to let this dominate your life. Just some words of wisdom from the big sis, take it or leave it ☺

    1. Words of wisdom are always welcome J. And yep, you're right, it is dominating my life. But only because right now, getting fit and healthy and reaching goal weight is THE most important thing I can do to help my back recover as best it can. 17 weeks ago I was paralyzed and terrified beyond belief. And my work life is about to get crazy busy, so I need to get as close to goal as I can while I still have a little freedom to exercise. I know I haven't been around for you as much as you would like, and I do miss you, but right now this is what I must do...for me. Very much looking forward to catching up with you Saturday night. Xxx
