So much of the interaction on this program seems to happen on facebook. For all kinds of reasons I've avoided good old FB...until now. I've joined two groups, 1 local and 1 state, and have posted a few comments amongst the local girls. State scares me - too big! (Bock-eekkkk #1)
Wednesday night WAS supposed to be the local group walk - but was cancelled due to rain - thank God, coz I was seriously Bock-eekkkk #2 about going.
Two girls from the local group are members of
So today is Friday - and Iplayed a whole game of will I won't I with myself for about half an hour. Then...I just did it. Drove to the gym. Swiped my card. Got to the class doorway. Realised I was supposed to get some ticket thingy that everyone else had from reception before I went up there, and then Bock-eekkkk #3 happened. I CHICKENED OUT!!!!!
The morning wasn't a total waste. I ploughed my way through my gym program for the first time instead. 56 minutes. 327 calories. Don't know if I'll ever be a gym junkie though.
Note to self: Ditch the Bock-eekkk & learn to crow FFS.
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