Thursday, July 17, 2014

Work and Life and Balance

and Training.

How difficult is it to fit half marathon training into a full-time work schedule with a monster 3 hour commute?

Last week I was all over it.  Daily gym. Calm and centred mindset.  This week - or to be specific, the last 2 days have been on the verge of OOC - my old friend Out Of Control.  I don't like OOC.  I like balance.  It's nice there.

So what's different?

My ridiculous need for validation / praise / perfectionism / professional worth has interfered with promises I'd made to myself.

And it appeared again yesterday.

An urgent work request just as I was about to pick up my bag an exit for Pilates had me majorly pissed.  I spoke up and asked if there was someone else who could do it as I was about to go to gym.  Apparently not, so through gritted teeth I stayed at my desk.  Worked through lunch.  Went straight to an offsite high level meeting. Finished late completely buggered and still seething.

Today I had to leave early to accommodate a husband appointment.  No gym.

Tomorrow I already have two conflicting places to be at lunchtime, and neither of them are gym.  There's no room for this in the plan.  I'm training to run a half marathon.  So this week will have consisted of only two runs; 1 x 3.5km and 1 x 4km.

How and where do I find the time to meet my goal?  Where does the balance come from?

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