Monday, July 14, 2014


It's a well documented fact that a 'diet' must start on a Monday.  (although I dislike the word diet, it does serve a purpose)

But when your birthday happens to fall on a Monday, and you're in reflection, soul-seeking, searching, unsettled mode, that's got to be a good thing, right?  A supercharged Monday.

Birthday's, in my opinion, are the best time to take a pulse check.  So many people do it at New Years.  Write resolutions, set goals, vow that this will be the year that they....... insert whatever you suck at here.  But you share it with everyone.  Within each circle, it's rare to come across someone who shares your date, so mostly its unique to you.

Last year, as I transitioned from 40+GST to 45, I decided to take a photo each most days to reflect what I was predicting would be an awesome year.  And it was.  Adventures were had. New things were tried. Comfort zones were completely left behind. Awesome year.  Forty six is, so far at least, looking like a contender in the best year ever stakes and we're only a week in.

My six habits; chocolate portion, caffeine cut back, muffin stop, sleep time, water & park run will get another outing this week.  Why?  Well I'm out of creativity to come up with another 6, but I won't tell anyone that.  "I'm bedding down my good habits by focusing on them for another week".  Sounds feasible, yeah?

Here's an idea; 'something old, something new'.  Not a daily challenge, but spread over the week, I'll try something I've never done / tasted / experienced before and will rekindle an old like as well.  This week is already a tick.  Today I made myself a pot of detox tea (that I'm quietly sipping on as I write) which I used to drink religiously before coffee took hold.  And I shared an awesome experience with my bestie - a turkish steam room - at Peninsula Hot Springs, which I have definitely never done before but REALLY enjoyed.

Next week I'd like to try a new recipe.  We've become very set with our weekly food plan, which is great, in that it's easy to shop, prepare and cook.  But we've become very set with our weekly food plan, which is bad because it's easy to shop, prepare and cook.  Routine is good.  Comfort is good.  Ease is good.  Boredom is not so good.

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