Thursday, November 1, 2012

Shhhh - oog - aarrrggggghhhhh

Today was Day 1 of...

...which, at about 3.30pm today seemed like a freaking stupid thing to attempt.  In all honesty I didn't think it would be as difficult as it was.  I've gone sugar-free before and didn't really feel the pinch until about day 4.  And really, I thought my eating was pretty good.  Reality check!

So I've discovered a couple of trigger / danger points;

  • Mid-afternoon coffee, and therefore sugar hit.
  • Prepping dinner whilst nibbling out on my nemesis, jelly type lollies.
  • After dinner Lindt dark with passionfruit and almonds.

I didn't succumb to any of these, but I sure as heck felt the pull of sugar addiction.  I have a thumping headache.  I'm a little bit shaky. And I'm a lot sensitive.

How badly do I want to beat this thing?  Freaking badly.  Sugar is an evil, vindictive, sadistic mistress.  Be gone naughty white powdery goodness :)


  1. Good luck on your sugar free diet.
    I have been thinking about going sugar free again myself

  2. You did good Raelene tomorrow is another day and it gets easier some wise person told me
