Thursday, August 23, 2012

Weigh in - R2 - Week 12

That's it!  Round 2 is over.  And it feels weird.

Somewhere in the midst of this round (a round is a 12 week long body transformation program) it stopped being a program that had a beginning and an end, and just became the way we live now.

Round 3, which I've  also signed up for, rolls straight into this one, rather than the four weeks delay while the "pre-season" tasks are revealed.  This is just fine and dandy with me, coz they're now ingrained habits, but there is one pre-season task that I MUST re-visit and that's goal setting.  But me thinks that's an entire post of it's own!


Current Weight: 67.4kg
Last week:      67.1kg
Week's loss:   +0.3kg   
So far:        -29.6kg

As you can see I got incredibly close to my 67kg target.  In fact, at one stage in the week I was smack on the mark, but as usually happens, Wednesday is not known for being my skinniest day of the week, and I've had a slight increase.

Has my round been a success?  I certainly think so, but I'll let you judge for yourself...

I didn't just lose another 5.2kg after I was already in the healthy weight range.  I also lost centimetres in places I didn't expect, and gained a heck of a lot of fitness. At 44, I'm definitely in the best shape AND health of my adult life...

...and am without doubt the HAPPIEST I have EVER been :)


  1. Well done Raelene, great stats. I am inspired and motivated by your success. Plus I love your final words - priceless.

    1. Thanks Julie :)
      I'm really proud of how far I've come - the weight loss has beena bonus. Looking forward to watching your progress too!

  2. As always a pleasure reading you :) How you inspire me and get me back on track when I waiver from the prize. You deserve the happiness you have built yourself :)

    1. It's a bloody ripperof a prize Miss Judy. Keep at it girl. I'm here to hold your hand every step of the way.

  3. You really are an inspiration, Raelene - so good to read all you've achieved. Wish I could bottle some of your mindset and attitude (and then obviously drink it!)...

    1. Ha ha Janie - if you really want to drink bottles of "stubborn biatch" then I could send you down a few! Don't know about this inspiration stuff. I'm just lucky to be in a position to only be accountable to me. The kids have gone and I'm flexible albeit flat out at work. It's the lure of that long off-white gown in March that keeps me going :)
