So close to the end of my second round of 12wbt - it's literally flown by. And here we are at the final blogger challenge for the round.
Before I start - a HUGE thank you to Jayne for hosting the challenge and stepping above and beyond her comfort zone while helping others to do the same. xx
1. How are you feeling about the 12WBT program now that you have almost completed it?
This was my second consecutive round, and I feel that I got just as much out of it as the first time around. I feel on top of the world. A completely different person.
2. Looking back on what you wrote in week 1, did you achieve all that you were hoping to?
I achieved every. single. goal. I set out to achieve this round. Even the ones I didn't think I had a hope in hell of reaching. Weight, fitness, work balance. Tick, tick, tick.
3. Did you find that blogging was beneficial to your 12WBT journey? Will you continue to blog once this round is over?
Absolutely on both counts. This is my second blog. The last one was a journal following our new home build, and I met some terrific people through that experience. Blogging about 12wbt has also been great, but for different reasons. My last blog had a fairly decent readership and of those, many were experienced bloggers who understand the "etiquette" for want of a better word. I found it harder to engage readers with this blog, so this round I've been writing for me and no-one else. That's kind of liberating in an unexpected way.
4. Did your exercise go according to plan or did you have to change it around compared with what you wrote in Week 1?
I DID have to change my exercise up a fair bit as the round progressed. I carried a few minor, yet limiting injuries this round, so I had to find other ways to break a sweat. And I definitely didn't expect to fall so deeply in love with running. It's not an obsession, just a joyful release on those days when it feels good. Unfortunately there are also days when it's just a damn hard slog. But they make you appreciate the good days all the more.
5. How did your greatest strength help you this round? Was it as you thought it would?
My inner competitor came out to play BIG TIME during this round. When I say inner, I mean self-competition, rather than against others. Failing just hasn't been an option, and I feel I've become a lot stronger mentally as a result.
6. Did the fears that you outlined in Week 1 come to pass? How/how not?
My biggest fear was injury. And (as I touched on above) although the injuries I did have were relatively minor, I just took them in my stride and continued on as best I could. There's still that nagging fear of re-injuring my back or knee, but after such extensive rehab following both surgeries, it's only natural, and probably a good thing that I do hold an element of fear.
7. What is the most valuable lesson you have learned from this program?
WOW! Tough question. I've learnt so many things. Probably the power of choice. That everything I do is a choice. I either can or I can not. And the line between the two is up to me.
8. In question 9 of the Week 1 challenge question, you wrote about your downfall. How did you go with this challenge over the last 11 weeks?
I don't remember what my biggest downfall was - probably snacking at night. I've ditched that habit, and that container of lollies (my biggest weakness) that sits at the bottom of the pantry hasn't even had the lid flipped open - by me - for about 5 weeks. This was partly willpower and partly reading the book "sweet poison".
9. What is your biggest achievement since the start of the program? What are you the most proud of?
There have been so many this round;
- Running at 16kph on the treadmill
- Competing in my first 5km race - and not walking at any point
- Reaching goal weight, then re-setting my goal, and reaching that too.
- Buying size 10 clothes
- Becoming more confident in my professional life.
10. Will you be coming back for another round of the 12WBT?
I've already signed up!
Not sure what I'llget out of a third round, but I'll never know unless I give it a go. And when I reach the point of reflection at the end of a round and feel that I've learnt all there is to learn, well then I'll know that I'm done!
I love your honesty and the ability to stalk you. You still inspire me every time I see what you write and you make me think about my own decisions and try to make better choices because of it. Keep posting and being you