But... I still completed Day 2 of Lean & Fit. Strength day.
First things first, I had to do a 5 minute warm up. "Hmmmm", said I, looking out the window hopefully. "Might go for a jog". So I'm rugged up (as you do in Melbourne, in winter) in my fluffy trackies, long sleeve top, raincoat and beanie that looks like a tea cozy. Step outside. Have an argument with myself that goes along the lines of "Oh God it's REALLY cold"..."stop sooking you...sook"..."My ankle hurts"..."You're outside now, so suck it up and start moving"...blah blah blah for a good 5 minutes. The dogs are looking out the front windows at me thinking what the? Felt like a bit of a dick actually, standing there, rugged up, cemented to the front deck. Raelene - what ARE you doing?
So I press the go button on my Nike+ app and just do it.
20 seconds in and I'm feeling like a bit of an athlete. A brilliant plan hatches. I could make this my 1km time trial. Like I said, brilliant plan. So I stride it out a little more. And. Then. The. Rain. Comes. Bucketing. Down. I'm full on soaked. But do I stop? Noooooooo.
1.18km later, I'm standing back to where it all began - on my front deck - but with a PB 1km time under my belt (not that I was wearing one!)
Well, I say to myself (yep another brilliant plan is coming up) seeing as I'm warm(ish) I may as well do Day 2 of L&F. Mountain Climbers suck by the way!
But the fun doesn't stop there. Why not do the rest of my fitness test parts too?
So here are my fitness test stats;
Round 1 - week 12 Round 2 - week 1
1km time trial 5:51 5:43
Pushups (toes) 21 34
Pushups (knees) 83 104
Sit and reach +5cm +5cm
Abs stage 5 stage 5
Wall sit 6:58 3:01*
*I will make an excuse on the wall sit - I was completely spent by this time. I could re-do it tomorrow, but I won't. The 3:01 stands. I barely could at the end of it :)
Onto today's facts and figures;
Calories in 1189
less training 557
less BMR 1455
deficit 823
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