Week 2 was all things exercise, and here are Jaynes prompts;
When and where do you workout? I wouldn't say I really have a "routine". My job is pretty dynamic in terms of hours and workload, so I try to keep things flexible rather than bogging myself down with more commitments. Some days I will steal a long lunch break and go for a shuffle. Most days I will do 10 or so km's on the exercise bike after dinner. All of this month I have done "Mean Abs June" either when dinner is cooking or after my ride. On strength days I'll bash out the Lean and Fit program after dinner too. Thursday is my weekend substitute coz I work Saturday nights and all of Sunday, so I'll go to gym for either a class or a sesh on the machines. Saturday morning I will do something special - like this morning i went to a group run coaching session. So as you can see, I mix it up ALL the time.
Are you doing anything different this round? Yeah, I so am. I'm giving the Lean & Fit program a run at the moment. There's loads of running, and I've always said that I can't run. Hmmm. Seems I actually CAN. And unlike last round I'm sticking quite closely to the actual program rather than doing my own thing.
Is there anything that you'd like to do but not yet done? I've been thinking of doing something that takes some upper body strength, like a ropes course or even trapeze. Swimming lessons to get some technique down with a view to the pink triathlon in February. And I've noticed the "sunset series" of runs later in the year. Same course once a month for three months. Would be great to gauge my improvement over that time.
Are you still holding back? As much as I'd like to say no to this question, it's a big fat YES. Always, in the back of mind, is the thought of injury and this, without a doubt, holds me back. Part of me thinks I should cut myself some slack - it HAS only been 7 months since my back surgery. And part of me thinks to hell with it - if I'm going to re-injure myself it will happen regardless. I could do more. I could also do less. But mostly, the balance is about right for a 43 year old with pre-existing injuries.
I'm using that word a lot in this post; "injury". It doesn't define me, or limit me really. What it does do is make me appreciate how it feels now to move without pain. Scared or brave - it's a fine line.
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