4 days of round 4, and 4 days of working out exactly to plan. L.O.V.I.N.G. it. It's like my whole body is alive. And sore. But so so alive. every muscle group has been through it's paces, and so far they've all responded beautifully.
Barbell squats with 25kg on board. Chest press 20kg. Shoulder press with 2 x 8kg dumbells. 12 months ago I never even imagined that I would be able to do this; strength, fitness, confidence. And now I'm completely devo when the workout is done. More gym!
I had to buy myself weight gloves - I know, what a wanker - but the weights were tearing my man hands apart. They made getting a decent pace on the rowing machine not such a chore either, so they're here to stay.
Today's warm up was on the rower, which I now love, with 1 minute intervals. My slow is still around 2:30 per 500m, but my fast was tipping below 2:00.
We also do a few pyramid sets. Today's were upright row with barbell. 12 reps @ 10-12.5kg, 10 reps @ 12.5 - 15kg, 8 reps @ 15-17.5kg, 12 reps @ 10-12.5kg. I went for the top end today, and just managed to pull through the full number. But what I did notice is how much easier the last 12 were compared to the first 12.
Heaps of triceps fun too, including;
3 sets of 8-12, too. Owie. But this is the goal. Could my battle-weary body be that tight and toned in just 11 more weeks?
It seems the program follows a pattern of; Monday Legs (Quads & Calves), Tuesday upper body (Back & Biceps), Wednesday Cardio & Core, Thursday Legs (Hammys & Glutes), Friday upper body (Shoulders and triceps). And week 2 is a repeat of week 1.
Can't wait to see how much I've improved next week!
How did week 2 go? I cant wait to see those muscles in person :)